Sunday, September 25, 2011

A flying he will go.

Huh, 3 blog posts in one day, go figure.

Hubbers was in San Francisco last week for 3 days, and my mother was sweet enough to help me each night so I can get the babes to sleep (seriously, how do Military Moms and lone moms get this done without help!).  This California trip was much different than the one he went on last month, well for me anyway.

1) Loki is a much different person, he likes to sit by himself and play.  I don't HAVE to carry him all the time.
2) Loki is now very familiar with his nighttime routine, and knows that he gets a bath, and listens to music while nursing, then gets placed into his crib.
3)Last month, it could take me any where from 60-90 minutes to get him to sleep.  Now it can take as little as 30 minutes (start to finish), but I'm not always that lucky.
4)Jeanne has also gotten a little easier to get to bed.  She had started asking for "one more book, one more kiss, I need a hug, I'm scared, turn starts on....."  Putting her to bed was getting lengthy. 

Thanks for your help mom!
This weekend we stayed close to home and just had fun hanging out, knowing that come tomorrow morning hubbers is on another plane.  He'll be gone 3 days. 

While, *I* am doing better, Jeanne is having a hard time understanding a)where Daddy goes, b)why he doesn't come home at night c)being able to express her missing Daddy and the conflict (anger) she feels that he is gone.  All of this usually results in her being clingy when he gets home, with random bursts of aggression.

We don't have a solution to this yet, as she is just 2, but we try to give her extra snuggles when she needs it but still correct her mis-behavior.

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