Sunday, September 25, 2011

Change is in the air

Well, not really in the air. Fall in Raleigh is nothing like Fall in Massachusetts. The air here is always humid (80% or greater which is sticky gross) and the temperature is still in he 80's. Cool by Raleigh standards, but not what I define as Autumn, thus I missed the equinox. I have always noted the equinoxes and solstices, they allow me to ponder the season the just passed, changes I have gone through and what may come next.

Even though I am missing the cool crisp morning air, hubbers and I can feel the changing wind. We smile more and are looking at homes in the area (and school districts!). We both want to change some of our eating habits (due to stress from the house) but are also excited to keep some habits we acquired during this past year. We like that we didn't eat out anymore, we like making and baking our own bread for sandwiches and pizzas (I especially love that we have made Friday night pizza night and we never had to leave the house). I like baking with my daughter to have super special cookies, they are so much better than store bought! We like knowing that our freezer is packed full of farm fresh local peaches and home made beans (some heirloom too). We never mind giving Jeanne homemade ice cream from fresh fruit.

I am feeling nostalgic and excited for our future at the same time. I'm loving where we are right now and happily looking for ways to bring more happiness and healthy habits into our lives.

Does the passing of summer to fall invoke any special meaning or thoughts for you?

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