Monday, September 19, 2011

Where is my baby?

1) I know why 'they' say that every child is different (aside from the obvious genetic differences, blobby infants are not all the same either).
2) I now know why they say the second (and later) children seem to grow so much faster and to cherish every moment.

Just last month I began feeding Loki solid foods.  In the last 10-14 days, he has made it clear that he wants less of mommy's milk and more FOOD. Loki, it seems, has not read the latest research from the AAP and the CDC.  He does not know that more than 80% of his intake should be MILK at this point.  When I try to nurse him (especially if he sees us eating or his sister eating) he will scream, make his body rigid, and push, push, PUSH away from my chest.  As soon as I turn him AWAY from the boob, he's happy again, but don't you DARE try to give him MILK when he can SEE everyone else eating! 

Hubbers says this is impacting me more emotionally than it is physically for Loki.  I think it's both, he DOES need his (damned) milk and his food. 

In line with all this eating, Loki is developing fast as well.  Just last week or so, he was still blobby, and content in his baby chair (think soft recliner so he cant go anywhere.  Now he will not stay in it.  He can sit up in it, and now only wants to sit next to his sister surrounded by his boppy.  Actually that's not really true anymore.  This morning I watched him lean forward and fall, so I picked him up.  Then he did it again, and again.  OK, not accidents... he's trying to CRAWL. 

Ack... where did I put those baby gates.... it's going to start here real soon....


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