Monday, November 19, 2012

A visit with Memaw and Papaw November 2012

Thank you to Memaw and Papaw for visiting with us and driving all that way!  We loved having you here and wish we could see you more often!

How Jeanne sees the world.  a.k.a. she took the photos

Look Mom, I'm wearing Papaw's shoes!

Watching old school Mickey Mouse cartoons on the iphone

Chillin' out with Memaw

Llama llama Red Pajama!

A walk around the lake

Museum of Life and Science

Butterfly House, time to warm up!

Boy does he love this truck!

A catch a glimpse of Jeanne climbing the hung rope.

Almost over the top!

She did it!  No problem, and no help!

It seems like only yesterday I wasn't allowed to  have Loki out of my arms.
Can you see him here?  See how far away he has zoomed with that truck? 
(and yes, I could see/hear him the whole time)

Here's a zoomed in picture:

Still the same day...
More truck time, this time with SAND!

My beautiful babes

We miss you Memaw and Papaw!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

October 2012 PHOTO review!

Guess I have to do this the long way, which is a bummer, but hopefully, this works!

A walk with Grandma Barb

Museum of Natural History with a friend:

Playing hide and seek

Halloween day(s)

Hope you voted!  I did!

First chilly day, let's go for a walk.
They wanted to hold hands and be close, I didn't ask them to pose.

Marbles Museum for Kids!  
Ambulance driver!

On a walk, Hubbers find a four leaf clover!


Museum of Life and Science
A boy and his truck.

Our first time on the TRAIN!

Loki's hair:  Before


Daddy's home!  I love my boys!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

October 2012 in review.

Halloween came and went. Raleigh has had some nice fall days and we did lots of Halloween crafts and sensory bins. Loki was fully weaned early in October and our last nursing session went without any tears any either part.

Now November is here and we have yet another holiday to get ready for. But right now, Memaw and papaw are here for a visit.

Photo issue.

Just an FYI, I have tried to update my blog twice, but it says I have reached my photo limit.  Iwill try to figure something out.  Stay tuned.