Thursday, September 23, 2010

Words: 15 months 3rd week

I just can't keep up with words Jeanne can understand anymore, as it seems she understands whole sentences, and even new phrases.  One day, while sitting on our patio and sharing an apple, she kept coming back to me and spitting the skin into my hand.  I discarded it.  The third time, I said, "If you don't want to eat the skin, just throw it over the edge". I did not use a hand gesture when I said this.  She turned around and put the skin over the side of the patio.  I gasped.  Those we all new words!  I understand when she puts together words I repeat all the time like bath, car, TV, tree etc, but 'throw it over the edge' is just not part of our daily speech.

So here are words are can speak (some so new, even Daddy hasn't heard them yet!) 13 for a
grand total of 37!  See here for information on language development in toddlers.  Looks like we're right on track! toddler milestones
cold, boy, girl, 'saw-ery'= strawberry, cat, wolf, (and howling like a wolf!), down, open, puff, cracker, clock, cookie, boo boo, poop, truck, cheese (which sounds just like juice, but said at the appropriate time)

Words she can speak  Words Jeanne can speak previous: 21
Juice, bye-bye, yum, "O's", Abby, star, cheese, bib, 'nana'= banana, hot, up, Elmo, Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, wow, caw caw (sound of a crow), woof woof, uh oh, hey

Words Jeanne can understand previous:
nose, check, hair, hungry, outside, car, go, shower, strawberry, cous cous, puff, cookie, water, hose, diaper, star, 'put back', 'go outside', 'play', 'sleep time', toes, cherry, toys, stand-up, sit down, 'come here'

Words Jeanne can sign previous: all done, thirsty, hungry,  milk, more, potty NEW: want
 OK, I've got to get to bed!

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