Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New rules.

I made a new rule today, it involves things I need to pack when I travel.

A thermometer, infant acetaminophen, and children's acetaminophen.

After an amazing visit with my friends, Jeanne became sick rapidly.  An alarmingly high fever, especially since we didn't have a thermometer, lead to a hectic night.  Although her demeanor changed for the better by morning, she still clearly had a fever.

We stayed in the hotel, and went to CVS to get the above mentioned supplies.  She is eating a little bit, but not much, and she is doing a great job keeping herself hydrated.

I am hoping tomorrow will be much better.

I am still in good spirits, and will not allow this trip to be squashed by a bug.  Children get sick, especially when you rub their dirty little faces into new petri dishes, like planes.  And buses.  And new museums.

As long as they are playing and laughing, so will I.

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