Friday, April 1, 2011

Well, he's a good sleeper

so far anyway...  Loki also loves his pacifier, which is very different from Jeanne.  Jeanne would push her tounge out and move her head away anytime we tried to give her a pacifier. When she rooted, she wanted FOOD.  Not so much with Loki. He loves to fall asleep with his pacifier, and will cry a fit if you don't give it to him.  I've often thought he was just hungry again and would try to nurse him, but he would fall asleep within moments and not eat.  So, I suppose I will be buying more pacifiers this weekend.  The two we bought Jeanne we really just used to help her with her teething, but whatever makes the boy happy!

Jeanne is adjusting well, she has her ups and downs.  She is always asking where Loki is if he is out of sight, and is always good enough to tell me that "Loki want milk" when he is crying (which always makes me laugh, "Yes, Jeanne I know, I'm trying to get to him love."  She also asks to hold him a lot, and loves to smother him in kisses, which again makes us happy, but worries us too.  She tries to be gentle, but she is only 22 months old.  Jeanne's temper tantrums have also been on the rise, but we've been careful not to feed into them, so she cries, throws herself on the ground, and we let her get it out.  When she's done, we wipe her tears, and its as if it never happened.

I think hubbers and I have been very deliberate in paying attention to Jeanne, we both get on the floor with her while Loki sleeps, we sit at her toddler table and have nachos and SALSA, and hubbers has now taken over the nightly Jeanne duties, so she gets extra daddy snuggle time early in the morning.

I'm sure there will be hiccups and really bad days ahead, but so far all I see is my wonderful family.

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