Monday, August 20, 2012

Planes, trains and automobiles.

We four Bakers began a whole day journey from the East to West coasts yesterday. With child wrangling help from Granda in the morning, Hubbers and I packed the car and headed (on time!) to the airport. While we did have to figure out how to move all the luggage and car seats without leaving anyone behind, we get it done!

Both kids ran and played. So the first flight and that was a breeze. The layover was extremely short, and we had just enough time to grab a salad and hit the bathrooms. Once on the plane, it was clear to me that Loki was wide awake and Jeanne didn't feel well. She didn't want to eat anything and just snuggled daddy a lot.

We did experience a couple of screaming sessions, but they were short lived, thankfully. It still felt like the second leg was much longer than the first. All in all, both kids were great. 

Okay, now to get out of LAX with all of our stuff. We finally got to the rental car and hubbers started putting the car seats in.  I realized I hadn't had anything to drink in 4 hours, which is entirely unlike me.  We start driving on the infamous 405 and as I remark that there are no breakdown lanes in case there is an accident, Jeanne screams and begins to cry. I knew immediately that she was
Car sick, as I was starting to feel nauseous myself. 'Something is wrong with me"! She screams and then pukes. The only good thing about this is that she hadn't eaten lunch and has only juice and two pistachios in her belly. As hubbers dealt with traffic and Loki slept, I crawled in back and cleaned her up. Thank goodness I had a change of kid clothes in my bag up front.  

After all that, I was now battling my own nausea, so we stopped at a mall so the kids could
Walk around and eat dinner. Thankfully, Jeanne felt all better and was in good spirits. I, by this time was grabbing my mouth and trying not to breathe while the rest of the family ate. Holy smell sensitive batman!

We stayed a whole so the kids could walk a lot before another hour of sittin still. Then, finally Santa Barbara. Once I was finally NOT moving for 15 minutes straight, I was all better, then really hungry since I skipped dinner.  

The time change and extensive traveling made the kids exhausted but not wanti to go to sleep wince it wasn't their bed or crib. Jeanne finally fell asleep around 1030 home time and Loki after 11:00 pm, but not without much screaming first. 

Today, we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast on the beach, then the kids and I napped a good long while while Daddy went to work.  

So far, so good.  

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