Tuesday, May 1, 2012

...some time later

Yes, I see that it has been quite a while since I last posted.  What have we done since then?  I dunno really.

We went strawberry picking at our CSA.  That was a blast, and Loki loved sitting in the dirt and eating all the best strawberries while I picked (sub-par berries one would say...).

Jeanne went to a class on how animals communicate.  It was very well done and involved the kids in making many animal sounds and even dancing like a spider.  While it was for 4-5 year olds, Jeanne was very well behaved, attentive, curious and absorbant.  It was a thrill to see and made me realize that I am completely stifling her by looking at activities/toys geared for 3 year olds. I know I want to get a butterfly hatching set for her, and would love any other ideas that involve science.  She already has a book on metamorphosis, and that has peeked her interest a little more in butterflies.  I'll have to do more searching for books like that.

Loki is sleeping much, much better these days, several hours at a time even.  We no longer rock him to sleep, but rather I will nurse him or Daddy will give him a sippy cup of almond milk and read him books.  Sometimes, both kids are sufficiently tired that we put them to bed in the same room, Daddy reading and me holding Loki.  I like that we have finally made  it to a 'one room' nighttime routine and am looking forward to it becoming more regular

My favorite though, is that Loki now wakes up from naps with a mere mew, as opposed to a gut wrenching scream.  It was a long, long year of screaming, and no one is happier than I that Loki has finally figured out that I will always come to get him as soon as he wakes up.  Of course I say this, and the days when he reverts due to sickness are pure torture to be sure, but I am choosing to look at all the positive things right now.

As for me, I am trying to streamline my day with the kids as well as LET GO.  I am so strict, so nagging, so fixated on messes and control.  Jeanne is and can be an exceptional child, and I do not wish for her to worry or tiptoe about everything she does.   Yes, we rent, so I do not want her running through the apartment with a sharpie, or dumping the bottle of glitter on the rug, but I really need to find ways to let her be a KID.  With that, I have removed over half the toys (to be switched out later), gathered all the 'baby' toys to be given to an expecting mother and gotten lost on Pinterest and  Play at home mom.

Well, that's it for now.  I will try to find some suitable photos to share and hopefully I will come back soon!

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