Tuesday, June 7, 2011

2 year and 2 month check up for the kids

So we scheduled their 'well checkups' at the same time, even though Loki is 11 weeks.  Here is the rundown:

Jeanne: (2 years old!)
34" tall (50th percentile)
26 pounds (25-50th percentile)
She is growing and developing very well, and is exceeding her preschool skills.  Now we switch from whole milk to 2%, but that's the only real food change.  She can also use toothpaste (a wee bit).   Jeanne can just about count to 20, and regularly sings the ABC song, but that one still needs some work.  She skips letters like K, in the HIJK series and L, M, N, O tend to be one long LMlmlmo sound.  But she is SUPER smart, and absorbs new words.  she loves LOVES her new dictionary book, and we read 2 pages a night to learn new words.  Shes been asking about her cousins B and K a lot since she knows they sent along the Bear books (which she sings along with when Daddy reads/sings them to her).  She's also been asking about her Uncle James, since her sent along some nice clothes (she loves the butterfly shirt) and I told her Aunt Eileen and Uncle James sent them.  She looks at me and asks with her hands to either side: "Where James at?", Where James, I don't see James".  No seriously,  add a wee toddler voice and its so cute you could die.

Loki: (11 weeks)
23.5" long 
12 pounds 8 ounces

the percentiles change a lot for 2-3 months, but either way, Loki is growing more in length than he is in pure bulk weight.  Loki failed his tummy time test, which was looking at his ability to raise his chest off the ground when on his belly.  Which really means I failed.  I need to put him on his belly more.  But seeing as he is sleeping right now (probably from the shots), its not going to happen in the next few minutes.  Loki is now wearing 6-9 month clothing due to his gigantic head and his length.  I hope he gets  height genes from my father.  A tall Baker would be nice to pass along. 

I am still looking for a job, so any good luck vibes would be appreciated!  Lets throw in some good luck vibes on selling the house while we're at it!

Miss you all!

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