Thursday, March 10, 2011

Last ultra sound tomorrow

Tomorrow the whole family will be going to our last ultra sound to make sure babe#2 is a) head down and b) has lots of amniotic fluid (neither of which Jeanne had).  If all goes well, I am on track for a VBAC.

I've just hit 36 weeks, and only in the last few days have I started to feel exhausted and whalish.  My joints in my pelvis and knees are seemingly stretched to their limit, and it is impossible to change positions in bed.  BUT, that all comes with the territory.

The day after my side of the family left, I had regular contractions for over an hour.  They were Braxston-Hicks, or 'practice' contractions, as I felt nothing but a tightening in my belly.  Regardless, they made sitting uncomfortable, but also made hubbers and I feel like we need to get our buts in gear (or at least me....).

I've moved all the newborn clothes to the top of the dresser so I don't have to bend over while holding da babe, and they go through clothes so much in the early days.  I put all the infant toys in one box and started packing my hospital bag (just need to put hubbers clothes in there...)


Almost there... but until then... for your viewing pleasure:

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