Wednesday, December 15, 2010

18 month check up

We had our 18 month appt yesteraday, and Jeanne weighed 23.5 pounds, and measured 31” tall. She only gained 1.5 pounds from her 15 month visit, but it was really during her 16 month. Since then, we weaned from the breast, we finally managed to get cows milk into, and thus switched the almond milk for cows milk (still mixed with soy for more minerals and vits, oh and chocolate yummy factor too), so I know she is getting more fat and calories from her milk. She has however adopted the traditional toddler role of refusing foods, and has become miss picky pants at times. The Doc recommended multi vitamins, and fortified cereal.

This made me pause twice, first…. I asked, “Are people still feeding their 18 month olds infant rice cereal?!” She replied yes, and I responded that she has been eating steel cut oats, and adult healthy cereals for many months now (I also neglected to tell her we didn’t actually feed her infant cereal all that much, perhaps for a month or so. I didn’t see the point of processed white rice as a source of calories.

Anywho, moving on to my next pause… All children vitamins are geared towards 2 year olds (the chewable ones, not the liquids), and I was concerned about the dose for her. She suggested cutting them in half. I looked up the gummy vitamins, and the chewable Flintstones vitamins, and weren’t that concerned if a full vitamin would be given, regardless, I cut them in half.
Jeanne is advanced verbally, but I know that doesn’t mean much since toddlers tend to average out by year 4-5 anyway, so there is no need to get my panties in a bunch. The Doc was only concerned if Jeanne could not say 10-15 words, or be able to run.

She only suggested continued reading to help her learn and explore, and to teach her anything I want (colors, letter, shapes, planets) as repetition is the key to learning. I know Jeanne loves her books, but I see her making a slow transition to learning more from physical objects (holding a blue block as opposed to looking at a picture of a blue block). I think I will go to a craft store this week and see what cheepy items I can get, like colored scarves, or eggs etc…

Do you have any ideas for cheepy stuff like that?

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