Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nursing strike.

Jeanne is, in many ways just like her mom.  She loves to eat.  She eats all the time, and lots.  Just like mommy.  Except when she is sick.  Jeanne normally nurses every 2-2.5 hours (24 hours a day).  Since she has been sick, she's nursed about every 3.5 4 hours and only once during the night.  She no longer has a fever, but her cough is still nasty and she is still stuffy.  I'll be calling the doc again today since I'm beginning to worry about dehydration.

Monday her attitude was a bit better, she liked playing and practicing crawling with Daddy, but flat out refused to eat for HOURS and HOURS.

So I'm up with my fiend the little black box, while Paul is rubbing Jeanne's belly in bed.  At least I can freeze some of this milk...


  1. Dopey and Grumpy are sure to follow.............

  2. Ohh, they've come and gone. Now we just have amazed and confused.
