Thursday, March 22, 2012

Operation "Eat Better" day 6

steel cut oatmeal with dried apricots, almond milk, pear (vegan meal)

snack later
dr. kracker with peanut butter and honey (technically not vegan, but it counts for me)

white bean hummus with whole wheat pita, single slice veggie pizza (some cheese on it), half a banana (due to the cheese, a vegetarian meal)

4 mini cookies (vegetarian meal)

bowl mexican tortilla soup (vegan) with avocado, salmon, beer, frozen yogurt, 2 'fast cookies', almond milk (omnivore meal, and the only 'meat' I eat right now)
(note: I ended the day being overwhelmingly hungry.  It didn't help that our restaurant choice for lunch was sub-par)

Today we went to the mall with Memaw and Papaw to get the birthday boy some new shoes and clothes.  While it was a beautiful day outside, it was made unbearable due to the literal cloud of pollen.  The cars were all yellow.  My husband was effected the most, but both the kids were obviously scratching their eyes today.  On the way home, while driving down a highway with many trees on both sides, we watched the clouds of heavy billowing pollen float up and away from the trees.  I have never seen anything like this before. I really thought it was a forrest fire, or a fog cover before a thunderstorm.  But no, it was a wave of tree pollen.  You could feel it in your eyes and your throat.  We didn't take the kids back out today.  Hope it's better tomorrow.

Jeanne getting her snuggle on after her nap.

The Birthday Boy and Daddy playing with trains.

Jeanne teaching her Papaw how to use the iPad.

Loki and Jeanne's new summer shoes.

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