Holy flying Spaghetti Monster. When Loki is sick, or teething, or feeling very Loki like, he just won't sleep. And by that I mean, he requires being held, for hours. The worst part about this is that the normally 'mama's boy' really wont relax and settle in my arms... Except, I won't realize this until I try for 2 hours. Then the super hero DAD will come to our rescue and in a no nonsense tone to his voice, takes Loki and he falls fast asleep on his Daddy's chest.
This has been a bad sleeping week. Sunday night/Monday morning, we heard him starting to sniffle. Monday morning was his 12 month check up, which included 3 vaccinations.
Loki weighs 19 pounds 4.5 ounces (10%)
He is 29.5 inches long and is generally a healthy boy.
He is also cutting 3 teeth at the same time.
Of course the pediatrician flinches when I tell her he still wakes several times a night.
So tylenol was already being giving to Loki. Of course, now, he has sore teeth, sore legs, his body is ramping up his antibodies and he is teething. He's not happy. So he didn't nap well, so he was moody, so he didn't sleep at night.
Finally, last night, he only woke 5 or 6 times, but was able to be rocked or nursed easily back to sleep. No siting in the rocker for hours and no screaming. Even though I was up at 5:30 am, I feel great.
Now, I am planning on going to see a friend today. I will have to give Loki Benadryl though, as I have determined he has allergies just like his Daddy.
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