Monday, April 9, 2012

Sleep training continued

Sleep training for the chaos master is going well.  We have had magnificent nights, and blah nights.  Even during the blah nights I am getting more sleep than I have in over a year.

Today, I put down two, wide awake, not terrible tired kids, in the same room.  I said 'it's time for sleep' and walked out.  Standing outside the door I could see and hear that Jeanne was snuggled in her bed, lying still, whispering 'good night' to her panda, while Loki was lying in his crin kicking the sheets.  He wasn't crying or fussing at all, just making lip smacking noises.  Like he was still awake and not quite ready yet to be quite.  I waited about 4 minutes, went in and whispered "it's time for sleep" to Loki, rubbed his back for a mere moment and walked back out.  No one cried, he didn't fuss or wake up more, and in 15 minutes I was sure they were both asleep.

Last night, Loki slept from 8pm to 2am, without benedryl (which is the only other time he has slept this long, we spent the day at the farm and the poor kid was miserable with his allergies).  Of course, he was a fussy, crying mess from 4am to 630 when we got up, but that is so much better than we've had.

I think I'm only on night 6 (as of tonight) and hubbers put him down tonight.  He reported that Loki seemed fussy in his arms, as if he wanted to be put down.  He was, and put himself to sleep.


If he continues on this trend, I will move him back into 'the kids' room very soon.  It so nice when a plan comes together.

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