Well, I write a lot of posts about sleep and lack there of, and if/when you are a parent of a young child sleep is a big concern and topic of discussion. Do they nap? How long? Do you hold them or rock them to sleep? Do you just lay them down when they are tired? Do you let them scream themselves to sleep? You get the point. Sleep deprived parents find all sorts of ways to make their child go to sleep as quickly as possible and as painlessly as possible.
I've held the same philosophy with Loki as with Jeanne, but the speed at which I would move onto the next 'stage' is much fast with Loki. Basically that means I learned to put a sleeping child down, lest I teach the child to *only* sleep in my arms. I think I've done fairly well with Loki and I can get him to sleep quickly. He doesn't rely on nursing to fall asleep, but does still like to be held. Lately I've been putting him down within 2 minutes of him closing his eyes, thus he's very sleepy but not completely asleep yet. The next *stage* is putting a open eyed but sleepy baby down. But I can't seem to do it.
I know I am physically able, but mentally I am having a real hard time. I know Loki will be my last child, and I am already blown away at how quickly the baby months are gone. Well, honestly, I'm really glad the first 5 months are over, they were so painful for the whole family, but that is another post.
Loki is rolling around at such speeds and determination, he can reach any part of the house in mere moments. His hand eye coordination ability increased rapidly, I think he mastered most of it just this past week. He is actively *trying* to mimic our sounds, but is having difficulty there. He is aware, observant, and shows us he understands our sign language and our words. He is not a little baby anymore.
I know the next stage is crawling/walking and then communication. Even if his speech is stalled, as is common in second children, we sign so I expect he will sign, just as Jeanne did. He will quickly grow out of his "Baker Baby face" and his unique Loki features will begin to shine through. I am sure his smile will be his best feature. He has an amazing smile, it always makes me feel. Feel is the right word, he makes me feel everything more intensely.
Hindsight is a "B". Regardless, I have two healthy, intelligent, children who have changed me fundamentally. I love and cherish them both and want to provide all I can for them. My children have a father. They have a father who loves them and wants them to become fabulous, however they choose.
My daughter is losing her baby face entirely, and is taller than some 3 year old's on the playground. My son is growing so quickly, I just don't want to put him down. I want to rock him to sleep. In my arms, close to me, so he can hear my heartbeat, and I can listen to his calm breathing.
In and out.
In and out.
In and out.
In and out.
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Loki, in utero |
Jeanne in utero |
how precious your words, tears are falling...I love you so much my precious daughter