Jeanne and Loki chillin' out in the crib, oh and Brobee too.
It is so hard to take pictures of these two at the same time. Thus, I post several in a series.
This is how I really see them. Instead of thinking of this picture as being out of focus, I prefer to see it as realistic. The kids never stop moving.
The shirt Jeanne is wearing is the same shirt her father wore as a little boy. Apparently he was a baby bad ass with the sleeves cut off.
Since Jeanne was having trouble 'holding still' for the photo, I though she would like to sit in mommy's lap. Guess I was wrong.
"Oh gawd mama, let me GO"!
Every night, Jeanne and daddy make something new and fantastic with their blocks. This is the best gift evah! Thanks Memaw and Papaw!
More creations
Tabula rasa
Check out how big my tower is!
A modest Thanksgiving dinner, dangit, I forgot the beets! Pumpkin pie (jar) for Loki. He had the mashed potatoes too, he lurved them.
What did I do. Two children? *Very heavy sigh*
With some good cropping, this photo reminds me much of Grama's photo and Aunt Ginny's house. You know, besides the kids pictures in the background
A special morning, breakfast in the living room and a movie. We don't really watch movies.
She had a pretty great morning.
And a walk in the woods on Thanksgiving. Quite, calm, cool, serene, awesome.
We walk on path that has the names of the trees labeled. We touch the bark and compare the texture, the leaves and the height of the trees. This one was 'super tall'.
That little sliver of blue on my back is Loki. If you look closely you can see his hood pulled over his head. He was napping.
She walked over a mile and a half, she earned some rest on Daddy's back.
I see you peeking at me.
(Shh, she's asleep).
Just kidding!
Daddy got lots of super hugs and kisses the Thanksgiving morning. Must have been the great breakfast and all the freedom in the morning!
A little snuggle time after her nap with Mommy. I'm lying down, that was a big treat in itself!