Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Another great weekend and a BIRTHDAY for Jeanne

Our weekends our filled with visits to the pool, walking around Shelly lake (or others) and general rompus at home.  We keep having these great weekends!  The past week, and the coming week have the temps all in the low to mid (and once high) 90's, with a relative humidity that kills.  This is not a dry heat folks.  They say summer is here, and will remain here until September.  ee gawds!

For Jeanne's birthday, we did some artwork, splashed in some water on our porch, and went to the pool when Daddy got home.

Loki is still having a hard time breathing, he's very stuffy, and has a raspy cough.  *sigh* poor bugger.  He is though, nothing like Jeanne was when she was an infant.  Night and day these two.  The following photos are a great representation of their general personalities.

You see this face?  We see THIS face a whole lot.

Happy birthday Jeanne.  You have brought only sunshine and love into my life!  Your carefree heart takes my breath away.  Mommy and Daddy love you very, very much.

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