I heard tell of a little boy who seemed to know how to tell time as an infant. As soon as the sun would go down, this little boy would become a terror. There was just no soothing this boy.
My boy is like this. Although, the season is different, and the sun is still out, his whole behavior changes dramatically around 630pm. First, let me tell you how the daylight hours go. Loki will nurse, let himself be burped, and fall fast asleep He would sleep so deeply that you can put him in his swing, his car seat to go for a walk or errands, or to lie down in his co-sleeper, and stay there dreaming mightily for 2 to 3.5 hours. He will wake, I will change him, and repeat.
Except if it is 6:30pm or later. He will wake, scream bloody murder during his diaper change, nurse fitfully, literally, with his little fists throwing a infant fit. The whole while screaming for more milk, and yet pushing away the almighty boob with his baby fists. Since he is crying while nursing, he takes in a lot of air with his milk. This air means that instead of a burp or two, he instead will spit up a lot. Since he spits up and his belly *was* full of air, he protests that he is still hungry and hill nurse poorly again. He does this all night long. All night. So far, every night for the last 6 nights.
He *was* a good sleeper at night. Now, I am at my wits end.
Even though Paul did his best to help me last night (and is doing so again tonight) there are whole hours where there is just so calming Loki. Paul has been so helpful and supportive when he can be, and let me and Loki sleep in this morning (6:30 am is when Loki starts to sleep again, so we were able to sleep until 8am! Thank you love!). Even so, I woke with little patience this morning and within 2 hours I was fried with Jeanne and Loki and really wanted to go to the gym.
I snapped at Paul, and I snapped at my mom. Both Paul and my mom ignored my temper and helped watch the babes and let me go to the gym and sweat. There are both too good to me. To top it off, mom stayed and helped with Jeanne for a while, and Paul fed me fantastic food all day.
Tonight Loki started screaming, but kept giving his "I'm hungry" cue, but every time I tried to feed him he would FLIP OUT. I brought Loki into our room and closed to door so as not to wake up Jeanne, but after 20 minutes of him screaming at me, I asked Paul for help. Within 4 minutes they came out of that room, Loki quite, calm and falling asleep on daddy's shoulder. Huh, go figure. Whatever makes him happy. Daddy's little boy. No problem. At least I get to brush my teeth before bed.