Okalie Dokalie. Thanks to a helpful tip from Uncle Lee, I was able to get some fluids into Jeanne via cup and syringe. Well, some, and lots on her. She is still not sleeping well, and apparently can ONLY get to sleep if being held my Mommy or Daddy. Our arms must keep away the the evil nasal drip.
Jeanne is at least in better spirits, but still wakes several times a night hacking. At this point her cough sounds very much like a smokers cough. We took Jeanne back to the Doc's on Tuesday and they basically said, unless her fever spikes again (indicating a secondary infection) there's really nothing to do but wait it out. Meanwhile, I haven't been to work all week, I'm sure my advisor is quite pleased.
Amazingly, Paul and I are not sick. Sure we're exhausted and we feel bad for our babe, but we aren't coughing or congested. I say amazing since Jeanne regularly tells us she doesn't feel well by turning toward our face and coughing INTO our open mouths and eyes.
Ah, nothing like exchanging airborne body fluids from your child.