Today is the first day of Fall. I have the habit of opening the screen door each morning to let in the cool, crisp night air. Only trouble is, its usually warmer outside than in, and I haven't been running the central air (much to hubbers dismay - it seems this parasite has turned me into a reptile, and whenever I feel cool air, I get cold, very cold. I've been sleeping in t-shirts and long pants, under a sheet and a fleece blanket while Mr. Hotpants says he sweats all night. Oh well, at least he is sweet enough to let me win this fight... he does see me looking for extra blankets and clothes to put on.
So far, the weather here has been in the 90's pretty steady. But most days it feels like high 70F's or mid-80F's, not painfully soupy HOTNESS or anything. Well, except for today, the first day of Fall. It was 86F and humid by 9:30 this morning. I was also a puddle of weakness. My plan this morning was to go for a long walk with Jeanne, find her a new playground (our closest one is crudy and has no swings, the slide is also too steep for her). Instead, I was out of breath all morning, even making breakfast for her (I'm not talking slaving over the stove here people, you know me). I was so dizzy, and fairly constantly this morning, it was all I could do to sit on the floor and fold laundry. Even that seemed a chore when it came to putting the stupid stuff away.
I managed to get out of the house by 10:30am to find Jeanne a playground, and it was hot (even Jeanne said so "Hot! Hot!"). I managed to play with her for about 45 minutes, but by then I think even she wanted out of the heat.
I was hoping to take her home and get in the pool, but she fell asleep when we got home, an hour earlier than usual. Having gained some energy (I don't know from where), I made:
pumpkin muffins (LINK).
It took me forever to put everything together since this is my first time baking in this place, and I didn't remember where anything was (I tend to keep typical baking stuff aside from hubbers cooking/spices). I also didn't have buttermilk, so I just sub'd 2% milk, same volume. The result was fantastic! I usually don't buy buttermilk anyway, I use this
except I had no lemons or vinegar in the apartment either, oh well. Milk worked fine, I expect buttermilk or its sub would make them more fluffy? I didn't find them dense anyway.
Edited to add, I never use oil in baking recipes, I use the same volume of applesauce instead, and if the recipe calls for more than 1/2 or 3/4 cup of oil, I just wouldn't use that recipe anyway.
When Jeanne woke from her nap, she ate more than half of a muffin, and they were huge! After her first bit, she looked at me, smiled and shook her head 'yes', followed by a 'more' sign. SUCCESS! Now we both healthy snack/breakfast options (ran out of oatmeal this morning, must get more!). I also found recently that Jeanne loves, and I mean loves raisins! Too cool, good source of iron for her too!
We did make it out to the pool later, and we had fun with me holding her and me doing high jumps to bounce her (and exercise my legs) or lifting her over my head, then dunking her up to her shoulders (you know, to work my shoulders).
I went food shopping 2 days ago and I need to go again tomorrow, I've eaten it all..... No bread, no oatmeal, no fresh fruit, no meat, almost out of cheese... sheesh!
Did I mention I am 12 weeks pregnant today? I had an appointment with a midwife last week, and although I have been eating 6-8 times a day, and was on 'orders' not to jog any longer due to complications, I've lost 6-7 pounds between weeks 4 and 11. Believe me, I'm not dieting, I'm eating, and tons. Unfortunately that means Jeanne is on an accelerated weaning schedule. I was really hoping to get to 2 years, or at least the 3rd trimester, but now I think she has bare weeks left. I've started with the hardest sessions, the middle of the night ones. Thus, instead of my sleep (and only mine) being interrupted for an hour once or twice (I can't fall back to sleep anymore due to the pain now that I am pregnant), and I am not just up much earlier (like 4:00-4:30am). The first 3-5 nights were the worst, for all 3 of us, lots of body stiffening, air gasping, all out screams and tears that would. not. stop. She has learned quickly, and is adjusting, she has even started sleeping longer in her crib (7:30-8:00pm to around 4:00am), once she wakes I bring her to our bed. I'll stop this once she is well and fully weaned first, one battle at a time.
Uhh this is a long post. I've got to end here to get some chores done.
More if I can, love you!