Tuesday, September 28, 2010

More pictures

These were sent to me by Grandmommy

Jeanne watering her plants.  This plant was giving to us as a gift the day Jeanne was born, so they are almost 16 months old now.
 Such a good helper!

Jeanne just loves her new baby doll, here she is feeding it.

Daddy and Jeanne in Ct.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Random photos and videos

I will do my best to give background for each.
Sorry if you've seen these already.

(LINK) Happy Feet August 10, 2010
(LINK) first time sliding by herself Sept 27, 2010 Super HOT day

She and I hanging out on our new patio, her in her new skirt from Granmommy

Hubbers decided that Jeanne will wear this beret.  He bought this, even though she yanked it off her head 5 times in the store.  He is determined that she will be a hat girl.  Here she is wearing her pretty hat for 3 seconds, we took the picture FAST!

MeMaw and Papaw came to help us move into our new apartment and re-meet Jeanne. I was taking pictures of Memaw trying to take pictures of Jeanne, HA!

The same, and Jeanne playing with her new giant bock toy.

Just too pretty!

MeMaw and Papaw visited the weekend of September 9th.  Here is Father and Son taking a much deserved break with Jeanne.

Happy Hubbers means Happy Wife.  These guys worked really hard!

This woman never stopped, and was always breaking down another box, or putting even more stuff away.  Without her or Papaw, I am sure we would still have boxes everywhere!

This is from before we moved.  Eileen and James came up to visit us, and with them came a sweet goodbye present for Jeanne.   Blue looks so awesome on her, and cam in quite handy all those days we had to eat out for every meal.  Why are restaurants so cold?  Thank you!

Just in case you thought our darling never had an off moment.  She's sporting her fathers sleeveless Army shirt from when he was a wee one wanting to be a soldier (and a ninja).

That's what i have for now, I can tell I am missing images from my backup battery, so I will have to get those downloaded.  But, for now, I'm off to knit a bit... or read....  as hubbers is on another trip, but will be home late tonight.

Much love my best beloveds!

Photos added to post FREEDOM

Check it out!  I will try to add more photos tonight, but our internet is MUCH slower than it was in MA, so it is taking me FOREVER!


For, what seems like no reason at all, Jeanne fell asleep at 10:30 this morning.  She slept well last night... I can't figure it out... Oh well, I'll finish up the last page number changes to my thesis and let her nap for an hour.
Hopefully, pics tonight!

Edited to add:  I just went in to wake her, and her skin was very hot to the touch.  I guess she has a fever.  I'll check her temp when she wakes and let her sleep as long as she needs.  I guess I better find a family Doctor!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wish list

I wish I had a subscription to Natural Life Magazine, digital version (LINK) Natural Life Magazine
I wish I had the book : Pops!: Icy Treats for Everyone (Link to book) 
   and molds too...
I wish I had the book: Make it fast, Cook it slow (LINK) to book
I wish I had the book: Our Family Tree An evolution Story (LINK) to Children's book
I wish I had Malabrigo yarn, color GardenGate (LINK) pretty yarn
I wish I had the Kauni yarn color Woodland EV (LINK) oh so pretty...)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I sleep too much, that's my problem

The burglar alarm for the leasing building across the way went off at 5:20 this morning, accompanied by super bright flashing light.  It was still going off 25 minutes later when the fire alarm in our building went off.  Woo boy, that was no joke loud.  Back in the apartment at 6:15 having coffee.  Oh well.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Words: 15 months 3rd week

I just can't keep up with words Jeanne can understand anymore, as it seems she understands whole sentences, and even new phrases.  One day, while sitting on our patio and sharing an apple, she kept coming back to me and spitting the skin into my hand.  I discarded it.  The third time, I said, "If you don't want to eat the skin, just throw it over the edge". I did not use a hand gesture when I said this.  She turned around and put the skin over the side of the patio.  I gasped.  Those we all new words!  I understand when she puts together words I repeat all the time like bath, car, TV, tree etc, but 'throw it over the edge' is just not part of our daily speech.

So here are words are can speak (some so new, even Daddy hasn't heard them yet!) 13 for a
grand total of 37!  See here for information on language development in toddlers.  Looks like we're right on track! toddler milestones
cold, boy, girl, 'saw-ery'= strawberry, cat, wolf, (and howling like a wolf!), down, open, puff, cracker, clock, cookie, boo boo, poop, truck, cheese (which sounds just like juice, but said at the appropriate time)

Words she can speak  Words Jeanne can speak previous: 21
Juice, bye-bye, yum, "O's", Abby, star, cheese, bib, 'nana'= banana, hot, up, Elmo, Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, wow, caw caw (sound of a crow), woof woof, uh oh, hey

Words Jeanne can understand previous:
nose, check, hair, hungry, outside, car, go, shower, strawberry, cous cous, puff, cookie, water, hose, diaper, star, 'put back', 'go outside', 'play', 'sleep time', toes, cherry, toys, stand-up, sit down, 'come here'

Words Jeanne can sign previous: all done, thirsty, hungry,  milk, more, potty NEW: want
 OK, I've got to get to bed!

Happy Fall!

Today is the first day of Fall.  I have the habit of opening the screen door each morning to let in the cool, crisp night air.   Only trouble is, its usually warmer outside than in, and I haven't been running the central air (much to hubbers dismay - it seems this parasite has turned me into a reptile, and whenever I feel cool air, I get cold, very cold.  I've been sleeping in t-shirts and long pants, under a sheet and a fleece blanket while Mr. Hotpants says he sweats all night.  Oh well, at least he is sweet enough to let me win this fight... he does see me looking for extra blankets and clothes to put on.

So far, the weather here has been in the 90's pretty steady.  But most days it feels like high 70F's or mid-80F's, not painfully soupy HOTNESS or anything.  Well, except for today, the first day of Fall.  It was 86F and humid by 9:30 this morning.  I was also a puddle of weakness.  My plan this morning was to go for a long walk with Jeanne, find her a new playground (our closest one is crudy and has no swings, the slide is also too steep for her).  Instead, I was out of breath all morning, even making breakfast for her (I'm not talking slaving over the stove here people, you know me).  I was so dizzy, and fairly constantly this morning, it was all I could do to sit on the floor and fold laundry.  Even that seemed a chore when it came to putting the stupid stuff away.

I managed to get out of the house by 10:30am to find Jeanne a playground, and it was hot (even Jeanne said so "Hot! Hot!").  I managed to play with her for about 45 minutes, but by then I think even she wanted out of the heat.

 I was hoping to take her home and get in the pool, but she fell asleep when we got home, an hour earlier than usual.  Having gained some energy (I don't know from where), I made:
pumpkin muffins (LINK).
It took me forever to put everything together since this is my first time baking in this place, and I didn't remember where anything was (I tend to keep typical baking stuff aside from hubbers cooking/spices).  I also didn't have buttermilk, so I just sub'd 2% milk, same volume.  The result was fantastic!  I usually don't buy buttermilk anyway, I use this sub(LINK),
except I had no lemons or vinegar in the apartment either, oh well.  Milk worked fine, I expect buttermilk or its sub would make them more fluffy?  I didn't find them dense anyway. 

Edited to add, I never use oil in baking recipes, I use the same volume of applesauce instead, and if the recipe calls for more than 1/2 or 3/4 cup of oil, I just wouldn't use that recipe anyway.

When Jeanne woke from her nap, she ate more than half of a muffin, and they were huge!  After her first bit, she looked at me, smiled and shook her head 'yes', followed by a 'more' sign.  SUCCESS!  Now we both healthy snack/breakfast options (ran out of oatmeal this morning, must get more!).  I also found recently that Jeanne loves, and I mean loves raisins!  Too cool, good source of iron for her too!

We did make it out to the pool later, and we had fun with me holding her and me doing high jumps to bounce her (and exercise my legs) or lifting her over my head, then dunking her up to her shoulders (you know, to work my shoulders).

I went food shopping 2 days ago and I need to go again tomorrow, I've eaten it all..... No bread, no oatmeal, no fresh fruit, no meat, almost out of cheese... sheesh!

Did I mention I am 12 weeks pregnant today?  I had an appointment with a midwife last week, and although I have been eating 6-8 times a day, and was on 'orders' not to jog any longer due to complications, I've lost 6-7 pounds between weeks 4 and 11.  Believe me, I'm not dieting, I'm eating, and tons.  Unfortunately that means Jeanne is on an accelerated weaning schedule.  I was really hoping to get to 2 years, or at least the 3rd trimester, but now I think she has bare weeks left.  I've started with the hardest sessions, the middle of the night ones.  Thus, instead of my sleep (and only mine) being interrupted for an hour once or twice (I can't fall back to sleep anymore due to the pain now that I am pregnant), and I am not just up much earlier (like 4:00-4:30am).  The first 3-5 nights were the worst, for all 3 of us, lots of body stiffening, air gasping, all out screams and tears that would. not. stop.  She has learned quickly, and is adjusting, she has even started sleeping longer in her crib (7:30-8:00pm to around 4:00am), once she wakes I bring her to our bed.  I'll stop this once she is well and fully weaned first, one battle at a time.

Uhh this is a long post.  I've got to end here to get some chores done.
 More if I can, love you!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Since my mother came down, I now have my own car to get around with again.  Today, we went to Marbles Kids museum in downtown Raleigh.  We had a great time!

They had a bunch of mini models for the kids to get into and play, cars,  ambulance, firetruck and barns.  The ambulance and the firetruck came jam packed with an IV, baby unit, baby clothes, true sexed babes, helmets hoses the whole kit and caboodle.

She also spent a bunch of time in the mail delivery car, sorting the boxes for mailing.

Later, while playing with a very large train set, a Grandmother was sitting close by with a very small infant, Jeanne stopped and stared at the babe for a long time, pointing and waving to the baby.  She seemed sad when they left.

Lunch was on the kid climbable bleachers, with loud fun music playing, which meant lots of dancing while eating!

THEN, the Splash section.  The name did not trigger anything for me, until we got there.  ohh what fun!  At least they provided water proof jackets for the kids.  They had hoses angled on a flat surface, which ended into a large cauldron.  We both loved this section.  It was great for the kids to get dirty (wet), and wreak general havoc.  A blast had by all!  I thought it was funny when other parents would look at the water works, then skedaddle away.

Next was a research submarine, with button the kids cold press to make different sub sounds like sonar, 'descending',  engine etc.  They also had a centrifuge, microscope, black lights, lab coats, and goggles.  Too much fun.  Adjacent was a nice aquarium with various warm tropical fish, and we got to see the fish get fed brine shrimp.  Something I've never seen before was a serpent star fish.  Very creepy arms trying to scoop in the shrimp.

Our last trip was to go outside and look at the water fountain.  I tried to get some nice photos her her sitting on the bench, but the best one was getting a still of her signing 'all done'.

Pure bliss. A sleepy babe.


... a quick note... Jeanne was getting hard to put down tonight, she wouldn't settle in bed and kept kicking her feet, playing with the crib bars and rubbing her hands over her sheets. After 20 minutes of whispering and back rubbing, I told her I was going to leave if she kept it up.  She did.  I told her I loved her 3 times, patted her back, and said good night.  I expected her to jump up and start whining or crying, but so far 10 minutes later, NOT A PEEP!

I am floored!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A weekend visit

Granmommy came down to visit this weekend, and with her came our second car, some more dry goods, gifts, lots of snuggle time for Jeanne and my plants (a gift I was given the day Jeanne was born by my in-laws).  My mom got to play and play with Jeanne, and get to see how this second baby is treating me (making me violently moody and exhausted).  We were all able to have some fun at the pool and hubbers and I were able to put away more boxes, re-arrange the computers so I can get my changing table back, and put up some photos, not to mention shopping for more professional clothes for hubbers.

I'm glad my mom stayed with us so soon, as it was apparent that Jeanne missed her terribly, and wouldn't let her out of her sight, especially the first night.  Also good news to hear the futon we recently acquired is comfortable!

I love my mother, and I know she loves me too.  I am so sorry my new fandangled hormones make me a crazy mess. Only 6 more months to go!

Thanks mom, from all of us!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Slow but steady

Sorry I haven't updated in a few days, I have been trying to continue unpacking and finding 'places' for our stuff.  I forgot what it was like moving into a new place.  The first time you unpack, you just place things where there is an empty space, but as soon as you start using everything, you find X is too far away or to hard to get, so you have to move everything again.

Jeanne has been fine, and adjusting to her new room well.  We've only had one car this week, so Jeanne and I stayed close to the apartment and just walked around or swam during the day.  She seems to like the idea of the pool, and when we first arrive will dart towards the pool, but will only want to play or splash for about 15 minutes, then only wants to run around the pool waving to people.

There is a very, very small playground we can walk to, but it doesn't even have swings.  The stairs to climb up to the slide are also crazy high, so she can't even really get her climbing on.  Once I get a car (today!) we can drive to other playgrounds nearby.

My mother is driving down today with out second car, she left Ma yesterday. I know Jeanne will be overjoyed to see her, as will Paul and I.   We hope to let her get as much Jeanne time as possible, as I am sure they both miss each other very much.  Once Jeanne naps and goes to be, I will get to hang out with my mom alone and catch up with her. 

I know I still haven't uploaded any photos, but maybe I can this weekend!
Here's a little VIDEO for you though:
Very sleepy girl
Finally awake

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Moving in

We signed the lease to our new apartment on the 8th, the movers arrived at 9 a.m. on the 9th. This left our new apt. and garage filled with boxes and apparently a ton of wrapping paper. With a lot of help from my super in-laws, 90% of the boxes in the apt are opened, put away and recycled. With Mr. B's help we've also had two new ceiling fans and lights put up. I hope to get written permission today to child proof the lower cabinets and start putting our clothes away.

In truth, my experiences here have been loo sided. I had one very negative experience (from a child no less), but have since only met and spoke with very happy, polite and welcoming people from all backgrounds (yes, even Republicans).

The "pool mayor" we met yesterday told us to expect fluke days of mid-70's in December, so I think I will be looking fir another bathing suit!

Miss you all, and I think I can upload pictures in the next few days, although I've honestly taken very few, we've been so busy!

Sorry for any typos, did this on my phone.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I just can't figure out who the visitor from Farmington, NM is..... would you care to introduce yourself?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good news and Bad news

Bad news first:
  Not being able to continue with our nightly routine, and regular afternoon naps has really derailed our easy to bed babe.  What Hubbers and I were able to get down to 20 minutes or less, which included reading and nursing, has now turned into 1.5-2 hour struggle.  Being in a hotel doesn't help, I know that, being in one room, with only bright lights doesn't help either.  Her bed time has shifted from 7-730 to 830-9, with some nights of obvious nightmares and a scared babe during the night.  We've started leaving a light on so she can see her surroundings and her parents in hopes to stave off the sudden fear when she pops out of sleep and looks around quickly.

Good news:
  After reading a lot of reviews of different apartments online and visiting or driving through 9 apartment complexes, comparing square footage and price, not to mention asking random people in the neighborhood, we have chosen a place to live.  Jeanne was so good for us, we don't know how she is our product!  So polite (she greets all passerbys), and always smiles to strangers.  She was so good to deal with all that extra car time, and time away from the pool.

I will send an email which will include our address, if I miss you, please send me an email and I will give you our new address.

Love to you!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Drive to Durham, NC Part 2 and 3

Yesterday we got a late start to our travels, but we did have a great breakfast to get us all started.  Our goal was to get to Richmond, VA knowing it would be a long ride, but we figured since we decided on the more direct route, that we should be OK.  Nope.  The ride near the DC beltway was jam-packed with cars on Saturday at 3pm.  I mean stop and go traffic.  I think it added an hour to our trip total, and made mummy cranky.  Jeanne was really a great sport through it all, and we stopped for dinner in Dale, Va (no need to ever do that again) and to stretch our legs.  Hubbers drove the rest of the way to Richmond, Va and we arrived at the Omni at 6:30pm.  No swimming for us that night, but we had a giant king sized bed so EVERYONE (that includes me) had plenty of sleeping room (somehow, I always end up being pushed to the very edge of the bed....).

 I have been dong the majority of the driving since I tend to get car sick, and hubbers has been fantastic at giving Jeanne snacks or keeping her entertained or company.

This morning we got an early start (8:30) and had a very easy, quick (2.5 hour) and visually pleasing ride to Durham, NC. (Digression: VA and NC are serious about their speeding laws, I noticed that the locals very rarely went 8 miles over the speed limit, and there were LOTS of cops out, although it could have been due to the holiday weekend, but by 930 am, I saw 7 cops from Richmond to Durham, and one guy got pulled over.  That part made me happy though, since that guy was riding my tail and zoomed by me... HA HA!).

We made it to the Sheraton Imperial in Durham just after 11:00, and since this is the slowest month they have had in 24 years, we were able to check in 4 hours early.  We are just relaxing and getting settled, mostly since the apartment places I called today didn't pick up their phone.

Jeanne is really doing quite well, but I can feel the disruption to her schedule starting to wear on her (and me).  She is asking for milk constantly and nursing for extended periods.  I am trying very hard to accommodate her, but it is getting hard. I hope we can find an apartment soon so she can begin to adjust to her new room, and new sounds.  The only queer thing I've noticed is that I am always cold.  Even when we were outside by the pool, my skin was cold to the touch.  Even now, the temperature in our room is set at 73F and I have my Pj pants, t-shirt and a fleece on.

I hope you are all well and enjoying this weekend!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Drive to Durham, NC Part 1

Our first day on the road went very well.  Jeanne was great, we had lots of snacks (pretzels and licorice).  Stopped at Cracker Barrel, the food wasn't so good, but she loved the shop and sitting in the rocking chairs.  Our plan was to make it to Scranton, PA, but since Jeanne was taking her afternoon nap, we went just a *little* further, to Wilkes-Barre, PA. 

After a quick snack of veggies for Jeanne, we went to straight to the pool, and we all had a great time. 
For dinner, we went to a Japanese Hibachi place right next to our hotel, the food was GREAT, and Jeanne loved all the fancy handy work by the cook, and shoved a LOT of rice and edamame into her little mouth.  That and ice.....

Jeanne is currently sleeping in her very own queen sized bed, and will join us later.  So far, quite a great family vacation on our way to our new chapter in life.

We originally thought we would drive I-81 a lot south, to stay away from the major cities and the coast (major vacationing areas/Earl worries), but we saw very little to no traffic today, and may take a more direct route toward DC and south.  We'll decide in the morning.

More later!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

One hot night!

Staying at mums tonight. Our plan is to make it to Scratno PA tomorrow. Heading away from the coast and major cities. G'night all!

Our last day in Central Ma

Paul is on his way to get breakfast.

Now all we have to do is, wash last nights linens, pack the car, get flatbed to load all out trash and take to the dumpster, wait for movers, sweep, mop, scrub, spit shine and head to granmommies house.

Sorry I wasn't able to upload photos, I guess my next photo upload will be  a big one!